1 abr 2008

I Love You

" Every day I fall in love with you all over again...
I fall in love with the things that attracted me to you in the first place- important things like your values and caracter,little things like the touch of your hand and the flash of your smile.

I fall in love with aspects I have discovered along the way- you constant loyalty to our life together,your encouragement of my personal growth and your knack for finding new ways to keep our love alive and growing.

I fall in love with dreams of our future,with new journeys we have found,new experiences we have shared, new milestones that would not mean anything if we didn't reach them together...

Every day,I'm more grateful I found my soul mate my lifelong love,my heart's every desire in you.


Zona Sur, RD.(Panasonic DMC-TZ3)
♪:Que bueno, Que bueno - Jarabe de Palo con Jorge Drexler

2 comentarios:

Y dijo...

muy lindo!! XD

Stefanie Villeta dijo...

El amor es algo inexplicable vecina!